Monday, February 28, 2011

German celebrity sighting

I got back late last night from a great weekend in Cologne (minus the cold rain; I swear it follows me wherever I go). I haven't had the chance to go through my photos, so I'll just give you one story for now and you can check back for the rest of the goods.

Saturday night, I was at the apartment of a friend of a friend and we turned on German Idol (or Deutschland sucht den Superstar). The next day I was at a cafe (okay, it was Starbucks. Go ahead and judge me) and I saw a couple guys walking by. One of them had this deep forehead wrinkle and I was thinking he looked like this guy I had seen the night before on German Idol who also had a remarkably fat head. I was thinking maybe it was just a German thing and then I looked at the other guy. He was wearing a trucker hat like Ashton Kutcher circa 2005 and happened to have another distinct face, as it reminded me of a couple people I halfway know.

So even though there wasn't anyone with me to confirm the sighting, I'm 100% positive I saw Marvin Cybulski and Pietro Lombardi. Even more positive than the time I saw an otter in the Brazos, and I'm pretty sure about that.

Forehead wrinkle.

And trucker hat guy. He apparently forgets lines to songs almost every show.

I haven't felt this connected to an Idol since high school when we used to drive around Mansfield looking for Kelly Clarkson's house.

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